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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. 1247 Firemen's pension Codified
Ord. 1243 Nomination of candidates; repeals Ordinance 1154 Repealed by 1318
Ord. 1242 Amends §22 of Ordinance 1228, water Repealed by 1318
Ord. 1237 Water revenue bond issuance Special
Ord. 1236 Animals Codified
Ord. 1235 Amends §§6, 18, 19, 22 and 23 of Ordinance 1228, water Repealed by 1318
Ord. 1233 Library 1969 Codified
Ord. 1232 Water emergency Special
Ord. 1231 Amends Ordinance 1145, curfew Repealed by 1318
Ord. 1228 Amends §6 of Ordinance 1228, and portions of 1242, 1284 and 1291, water Repealed by 1318
Ord. 1227 Repeals and replaces (§3 of Ordinance 1140, garbage (Repealed by 1318) Codified
Ord. 1226 Zoning (17.04 – 17.24) Codified
Ord. 1225 Building code Repealed by 1318
Ord. 1224 Repeals and replaces §§5 and 9 of Ordinance 1132; repeals §10 of Ordinance 1132, firemen's salaries Repealed by 1318
Ord. 1221 Sale of alcoholic beverages; repeals Ordinance 1138 1/2 Repealed by 1318
Ord. 1220 Water emergency Special
Ord. 1213 Traffic; repeals Ordinance 1011, traffic Repealed by 1318
Ord. 1206 Emergency expenditure Special
Ord. 1203 Combines offices of treasurer and clerk Repealed by 1318
Ord. 1190 Amends Ordinance 1189, load restrictions Repealed by 1318
Ord. 1189 Load limits Repealed by 1318
Ord. 1188 Washington Water Power Company franchise Special
Ord. 1186 Trailer parks Codified
Ord. 1183 Water main construction Special
Ord. 1181 Alcoholic beverages Repealed by 1318